MOOCs in open education: Comparative studies, regularities, and recommendations for their design
massive open online courses, open education, distance education, comparative studies, open educational resourcesAbstract
Open education is a movement that is growing rapidly in today’s world. Within this movement, the so-called open educational resources arise, an initiative to share, modify, or reuse everything that is produced in terms of learning. However, it has been the massive open online courses (MOOCs). Those resources have had more growth in recent years. A much-discussed problem in the international scientific community is the design of these courses, and there have been so many and diverse proposals that denote the need for the establishment of regularities for the methodological work in function of this process. The aim of this paper is to present the results of a small-scale comparative study on the didactic and technological design of these courses in a sample of 58 courses in four prestigious platforms (Coursera, MiríadaX, Udacity, and EdX). This is based on five parameters that serve as a basis for determining similarities and differences and establishing regularities that reveal certain trends. The comparative studies method was used, which proposes a system of methodological steps for its implementation accompanied by percentage analysis and measures of central tendency, such as mean and mode. The regularities obtained allowed a critical and reflexive analysis from the Cuban pedagogical foundations that have allowed reorienting the methodological work in the design of MOOCs.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nancy Andreu Gómez, Maida Librada Bilbao Consuegra, Carlos Javier Palacios Morales

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