Virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism: Indicative of use by government agencies in Brazilian states




Government, Tourism, Information and communication technologies, Augmented reality, Virtual reality


With the cheapening of virtual and augmented reality technologies, sectors such as tourism have started to invest in new ways of promoting destinations, providing an improvement in the user's travel experience. In Brazil, the scenario is no different, private tourism agencies and government agencies responsible for this sphere, invest through their secretariats in the development of products and services allied with these technologies. The objective of the article is to bring a national vision of the scenario, gathering examples of the use of technologies, contributing knowledge through scientific results. The data were collected using a Boolean research formula directed to the official government tourism pages and carried out through the Google search engine, all links that involved the terms "virtual reality" and/or "augmented reality" categorized within the tabs related to tourism on government websites. After analysis of the 84 links recovered, 22 showed adherence to the proposed theme. These were divided by states and regions of Brazil and characterized according to the information published in each of them. The results show a low rate of use of these technologies as some small confusions about the concepts of each one of them. In the whole country, the Midwest and Northeast regions are the ones that presented the largest quantitative and diversified use of augmented reality and virtual reality technologies for government agencies.


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How to Cite

Picalho, A. C., Bisset Álvarez, E., & Fadel, L. M. (2022). Virtual reality and augmented reality in tourism: Indicative of use by government agencies in Brazilian states . Advanced Notes in Information Science, 1, 120–139.